How SMS Marketing can help Event Management Companies?
We have events every day in the city and the people or companies that are managing those events need a channel to help them reach their audience and get their business from the same. The more tickets they sell, the more profit comes from an event.
Every event planner makes sure to sell all the tickets however possible and for that, they do very aggressive marketing. Here SMS can help to add value to their marketing.
SMS will help the event planners reach the maximum audience in the lowest time and will also provide stunning results with its 90% Open Rate. The best part about SMS is that it directly pop-up on the phone and people won’t resist without opening if your event is worth buying then maybe half of the seats might get booked through the SMS campaign itself.
By adding the Short Link feature in the SMS template people can easily book the tickets as you can add a URL of bookings in that feature. Although, a short message of 160 characters has the power to provide hardcore results.
This was about Promotion, now let’s talk about updates. So, with an SMS campaign, you can also provide updates and follow-up to your numbers that already have a booking with your company. You can also integrate your SMS in CRM to get automated Bills, Invoices and Reminder updates.
Let us now see some of the SMS references that can come into use while creating a template for either promotion or updates👇
- Promotions
Event managing companies can promote their existing event or upcoming events both. The existing one is for filling the slots. On the other hand, the new one will be for engaging people for doing the event through them. This is how companies do their business with the motive that every event they launch should be successful and Housefull. Let us now see the examples of both Existing and new.
👉For Example:
👋Hello Folks,
Arijit Singh is all set to bring his melodious voice and collection of songs to your city Pune on 10th of December Saturday.
Check the address and Booking options here:
👋Hello Sir,
Plan your upcoming event with us and get all perks like free branding and planning
and we will make sure to fill all your seats.
Click Here to know more:
AD Events
- Updates
Let’s say your event is finalized then you will also have to remind the people about the event so that they should reach there. Only ticket booking is not the way to succession, you will also have to remind them to visit so that their tickets do not get wasted. You can create an automated SMS template for sharing different updates.
👉For Example:
🟢Booking Confirmation
👋Hello Sourabh,
Your booking for the event on the 10th of December has been confirmed
Click here to get your passes:
🟢Follow-up of events
👋Hello Sourabh,
We hope you are excited about the Live Music Fest that you have booked. The event starts on the 10th of December evening from 8 PM onwards.
- Feedback
Let’s now jump to the most important part which will be deciding the success of your next event. Taking feedback from the people who visited the event is very crucial for the Event Management business as it will impact all your upcoming events. Just create an SMS template that will be automatically sent to the people who have booked the tickets for the event and get their response to see the scope of improvement that your agency needs.
👉For Example:
👋Hello Sourabh,
We hope that you enjoyed last night at our event. Share your feedback and let us know how we can improve. Click here:

Event Management companies will get good help on both sides of promotion and updates from SMS. To know more about how Bulk SMS Service can add value to your business, feel free to contact us and our team of experts will consult your team.