Do’s & Don’ts in SMS Marketing
We all have that eagerness to check our phones once we hear a notification tone.
Whenever we check our message box most of the time, we find a transactional SMS which has an OTP for your bank or maybe your last transaction activity. However, businesses took time to realise but once they understood the pattern, they began using Bulk Messages service for promoting, engaging and updating their customers.
Everything that has maximum advantages contains some disadvantages either. SMS Marketing has the most responsive campaign as compared to other promotional Channels.
Let’s take an in-depth walk-through of the Do’s and Don’ts of the Bulk SMS Campaign
Starting with the Do’s for SMS Marketing:
After reading the below points you might get a clarification about the Do’s of SMS Marketing but to get consulted with the same the most preferred name is ‘WebXion Technologies’ to solve all your queries in Bulk SMS Service
- Choose a Service Provider Wisely:
Experienced service providers provide you with new techniques which are profitable for the success of a campaign. There is a new link-click option available in some of the SMS service providers where an entity can share a link [URL] with SMS. This Link click option is available in some of the service providers including WebXion Technologies.
- Be an Attention Grabber:
Under SMS Marketing you have a limitation of words and to make your campaign result oriented, show the readers that this is worth buying for them. To do that you need to start with something that can instantly grab their attention. One of the best things that can be done here is to use your customer’s name in the SMS. When you use a customer’s name, they find your message genuine and will definitely look over the offer you are sharing with them
For Example: – Dear Sourabh, [Then start with your offer].
- Call-To-Action:
If we are talking about an attention-grabbing start, then we need to end the message also in a dynamic manner. The call to action first tells the audience whether the message is about buying the product or service. On the other hand, by giving a call to action you are telling your audience about the next action they need to take after reading the SMS.
For Example: Avail Now, Buy Now, Call Now etc. are some of the Call to Action.
- Keep it Short and Crisp:
Keep limited words to tell about your offer while using the SMS service. There are limited characters that you have in which you have to convince the customer to get on board. So, keep your message short and crisp with no additional information, but just the important one. Be the one to speak more in lesser words.
- Timing Matters:
Suppose you get a message which might be important to you at the time you are sleeping in the mid-night or morning when you are late for your office then you will miss that. Similarly, when you are showing a green signal to your campaign then you must be aware of the timing when your customers would be free to see the message instantly. When you successfully send the bulk SMS to your customers at the right time, then probably under 3 minutes you might get 90% of the opening rate.
- Let your Customers Feel Special:
Treat your customers like the message you have sent them is the only person who can avail the offer. Greet them like a VIP and get this feeling in their head that the SMS they are reading has been sent only to them and not anyone else.
For Example: – Dear _______ [Use Name]
You are our special customer, and we offer you a special discount on our Bulk SMS Service
Avail Now
Regards WebXion Technologies

Don’ts of SMS Marketing
Take a look over the facts that you have to avoid while using SMS Marketing Service
- Improper Sender Id:
Sender Id is the 6-character name that is registered in the DLT for sending an SMS like JK- WEBXIO, AD-FLPKRT and JY-Jiopay Once you successfully complete your DLT registration, the first process would be to create Sender Id which should be created in relation to your company’s name. Some people create irrelevant sender IDs which results in the rejection of the same.
- Inappropriate Template Selection:
People usually select inappropriate templates which then get rejected by DLT itself. The message template should be made under DLT Guidelines.
- Irrelevant Audience:
Audience selection is the most important factor because you cannot sell sanitary products to men or beard oil to women. You need to track the proper audience suitable to your product or service to get the expected results.
- Avoid Bombarding Customers with Messages:
You have limited credits and the numbers you are sending SMS have limited patience. You can buy credits again but once the customer goes then he never comes back. The thumbnail to SMS marketing is to ‘use limited characters but generate unlimited businesses. We have talked about the importance of timing above, similarly, keeping the limitation on sending an SMS is beneficial for both customers and your balance sheet.
- Avoid the Perspective of Just Selling:
We understand that you are in hurry to generate business but here you have to play smartly. Create an engagement in your audience’s mind or give them offers they are looking for; this can help you get the response and then you can give them your pitch because they took an interest to hear that.
For Example: People love Discount Coupons so Give Them Some of the Discount Coupons on your Service and then they Might Take Interest.
- Avoid Using Slang or Abbreviations:
Using abbreviations in limited characters could be smart, but this can risk your professionalism. Using abbreviations will sound inappropriate to the customers and it might be hard to understand for many people who are unaware of the language. This action might be the reason for a campaign’s failure.
- Don’t Forget to Introduce Yourself:
Let the customer know who is sending the message. These builds trust in their head and ensures that the sender is genuine. As many fraud alerts have been hammering our heads so into such circumstance’s identification is a must to create trust.
For Example: [After the body of text] use ‘Regards WebXion’